Ilustracja do książki Grzegorza Kiarszysa "Trzy Światy Średniowiecza. Luxta Castrum Sandouel"

My blog is not focused on any specific time or place- you will find there warriors of different places and time. I hope you will enjoy my historical artwork.
XIX Century
środa, 26 kwietnia 2017
wtorek, 27 grudnia 2016
poniedziałek, 25 lipca 2016
Carthaginian general Hamilcar Barcas looks from the top of Erice the roman camp and the city of Panormos
first publication: HRM ediciones. Qart Hadast. "El Imperio cartagines hasta la Primera Guerra Punica". Arturo Sanchez Sanz
środa, 30 marca 2016
Cohors auxiliares Batavorum fighting with Caledonian warriors at the Batlle of Mons Graupius in 83 A.D.
first publications: HRM Ediciones. Legiones romanas en Caledonia. Agricola frente a Calgaco. Marcos Uya Esteban
środa, 10 lutego 2016
Caledonian chariots attack positions of the Romans at the Battle of Mons Graupius in 83 A.D.
first publications: HRM Ediciones. Legiones romanas en Caledonia. Agricola frente a Calgaco. Marcos Uya Esteban
czwartek, 3 grudnia 2015
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