This is my blog on warfare during the centuries gone. I will be presenting the reconstructions of historical battles and warriors based on historical sources: written, iconographical and on preserved pieces of arms and armor. I am going to follow current discoveries in military archaeology and history of warfare in order to make my reconstructions fresh and updated
My blog is not focused on any specific time or place- you will find there warriors of different places and time. I hope you will enjoy my historical artwork.
Ilir Kipe Albania ✌
OdpowiedzUsuńbiała czapka, którą osoba nosi na głowie, nazywa się pilusem. pilus = plis <w języku albańskim. ten biały kapelusz jest nadal używany przez naród albański. Hoplita - greckie słowo hoplon ?! Hopliti oznacza również pieszego, albański Tosk Hopliti = Hap luiti, albański Geg Hopliti = Hop luiti. Hop = hap🚶♂️- luiti = poruszać się. hoplon = okładki pokrywa = tarcza 🎯. słowa wyjaśniono w języku albańskim.
një kapak i bardhë që një person mban në kokë quhet pilus. pilus = plis <në shqip. kjo kapelë e bardhë përdoret akoma nga populli shqiptar. Hoplite - fjala greke për hoplon?! Hopliti do të thotë edhe këmbësor, shqip Tosk Hopliti = Hap luiti, shqip Geg Hopliti = Hop luiti. Hop = hap🚶♂️- luiti = lëviz. hoplon = mbulesa mbulesë = mburojë. fjalët e shpjeguara në shqip.
Hopliti = Hap luiti, shqip Geg Hopliti = Hop luiti.
OdpowiedzUsuńHop = hap🚶♂️- luiti = luan-levis.
hoplon = mbulon
mbulon = mburojë. fjalët e shpjeguara në shqip.